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Sunday, December 8, 2013

On A Roll

Date of occurrence:
June 1, 2013.

We are taking care of little Bell today and to keep the little critter busy, I put her on her play blanket. She is fascinated with all those colorful toys hanging above her and is quite contend keeping herself busy by trying to grab them.

She is getting pretty good at steering those little hands and is thrilled when she gets a hold of a toy. It is entertaining to watch her have so much fun.

She shows her enthusiasm by cooing up a storm. All kinds of noises and sounds are coming from her mouth and are occasionally accompanied by a very loud, excited cheer.

She plays for the longest time, but eventually gets tired of it and shows her dismay by getting a little fussy. She can't roll over yet, although she is in the process of trying.

She manages to get on her side, but then she is stuck and usually ends up on her back again. She needs a helping hand with that and I don't hesitate to lend her both of mine.

Okay, little one, lets take a look at the world from a different perspective and I turn her over on her tummy. She lies there for a bit, taking it all in.

I don't think she was either too happy with the view or the constant holding herself up wore her out, but before we know it, she rolls over onto her back. That's a first and we are so proud of her.

Watch out; our little Bell is on a roll!


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