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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Up For Grabs

Date of occurrence:
May 29, 2013.

Since mom has a job now, I am baby-sitting little Isabella on occasions.

The little critter doesn't give me a hard time at all. She is always in a good mood and only fusses when she is hungry or tired. Both are quickly cured with a bottle.

Nope, she won't take a pacifier when she is tired. We tried that several times, but it only seems to make her livid, so we threw it by the proverbial way-side.

She has recently discovered that her hands can and will hold things. The problem is though that they seem to have a mind of their own; they go every way except where Bell wants them to go.

Practice makes perfect and there is no better opportunity then combining developing her motor skills with play-time. Since we have the perfect toy for that, I decided to entice her with all those colorful, dangling toys. It worked.

After having stared at those toys the first couple of times I laid her down on it, she went after them. It took a little bit of coordination, but today she got those little hands under control and got a hold of what she was aiming for.

Good job! I am proud of her. It makes life a little easier for her, but a little more difficult for us. We have to keep in mind now that anything is up for grabs!


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