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Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Firm Foothold

Date of occurrence:
July 23, 2013.

Life is full of adventure and revelations, as our youngest granddaughter Bell discovers on a daily basis. She recently noticed there were two strange looking extremities at the end of her little legs.

She had seen them before, but was not able to grab them and examine them up close and personal. She can now and she sure has no plans of letting them get away from her this time.

While playing with her toys, she saw one of her feet fly by and her interest in the toys shifted to those weird looking things. She swung both of them in the air and caught one in each hand.

That was the beginning of a thorough examination. Looking, pinching, squeezing, and pulling at her toes was part of her investigation and intensive study.

They were even subjected to a taste-test on several occasions and she still wasn't about to let go. As soon as one managed to escape from her hand, she caught it again and started her research all over.

This went on for quite a long time. The little critter was totally fixated on her feet. She didn't even notice I was observing her and her reactions closely, until the flash of the camera lit up the room.

She looked, grinned, and turned her attention back to her feet. She didn't let go of them for even a split second.

She had a firm foothold!


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