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Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Gap

Date of occurrence:
July 26, 2013.
Kc is 6 years and 6 and a half months old.

Kc lost his first tooth!

After having come loose and wiggling for several days, it finally came out. Well, that didn't happen entirely on a voluntarily basis.

With a little help from mom and a string, the small pearly white couldn't hold on any longer and had to vacate the premises permanently.

They had gone to visit their other grandma and although we expected it to happen sooner or later, it still was rather strange seeing our oldest grandson leave with a mouth full of teeth and return with a gap in his upper jaw.

He was pretty excited about it though and told us it only hurt a little bit and he got an ice cream afterwards.

He seemed a little skeptic about the tooth fairy. I couldn't blame him; up until now, he had hardly ever heard of her and he had a difficult time believing that when putting his tooth under his pillow that night, she would come and exchange it for money.

Loosing his first tooth was something special and the tooth fairy didn't waste any time to turn him into a firm believer. He made out like a bandit.

The gap won't be there very long. His new tooth is already coming in and slightly visible. It won't be long before he is armed to the teeth again to attack his food!


Blogger audrey` said...

The lovely gap means he is growing up, Lieve Zus :)

13/4/14 7:56 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Yes lieve zus, we know. Sigh. :-)

God's Grace.

14/4/14 5:24 AM  

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