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Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Happy Meal

Date of occurrence:
June 15, 2013.

Our little guy is growing like a cabbage as the expression goes in the Netherlands.

He has finally decided he can walk and run around without falling down and the need of someone holding his hand.

Ever since, he is going through life like a whirlwind or in Levi's case it would probably be better to compare it to a small dust devil. Grin.

It is an excellent way of getting all his energy out of his system and he ensures he does.

He runs when he could walk, climbs the furniture in spite of being told otherwise, makes a dash for the top when they try to pluck him off, and spends the rest of his time playing and learning.

All that hard work is bound to burn up a lot of calories and it is not surprising mom and dad end up with a hungry, little fellow who is more then happy to sit down and fuel up by stuffing his tummy.

And that is another thing Levi is discovering; food comes in all kinds of different shapes and flavors.

Some things are a little more savory then others and are even served in a package which not only contains food, but also a toy.

I suspect our little guy has already come to the conclusion that it is not the food, but the company that turns every meal into a happy meal!


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