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Friday, December 27, 2013

Cute As A Button

Date of occurrence:
June 23, 2013.

"Boy, am I up early today, but that must be due to the excitement of seeing my siblings. They will be arriving today and I will get to spend a lot of time with them.

It is nice having some other kids around who will fill the air with their chatter and make a lot of ruckus.

I do my best by pounding on this little play table and trying to knock those toys off. The latter has not been very successful I should add, at least not yet.

The ole' folks seem to get a kick out of it though and are constantly trying to make me laugh. They don't have to go out of their way doing so; one look at them and I am already on the verge of busting out laughing.

Uh oh, time to get out of the jammies and into the clothes. Mom is dressing me up and that means the whole shebang, including a bow.

Come on mom, you don't really have the illusion that is going to stay on my head, huh? I have to admit though it looks rather cute on me, but this cutie-pie doesn't need it.

There is no point in fixing what isn't broke! Grin."


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