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Saturday, December 21, 2013

To Each Their Own

Date of occurrence:
June 23, 2013.

We are on pins and needles and can't wait for our grandchildren to arrive. They will be staying until the first week of August and we have been so looking forward to spending all this time with them quality and quantity-wise.

We decided to get each of them a present which we thought they would like. We got our oldest grandson Kc another computer. Even though it is not connected to the Internet, he loves to type, draw and play games on it. At least this one has got all the keys; many were missing from his previous one.

Leo loves to watch TV and movies and usually picks those which the other two don't want to watch. Since that presents a problem, we thought he might like to have his own personal DVD player. He can take it anywhere he likes and take his pick from the wide selection of kids' movies we have.

Most of the toys we have are geared towards the boys. Emmaly will play with them, but she loves her kitchen. The boys however will take it over as soon as she turns her back. We figured it couldn't hurt to get her something which would be specifically appealing to girls and our choice fell on a doll house.

A little after 4pm they arrive. They notice their new toys as soon as they set foot in the door and are thrilled. The hugs and kisses take but a few seconds and off they go to check them out and play.

Can you tell we hit the nail on the head???


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