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Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Hairy Situation

Date of occurrence:
July 1, 2013.

It is so hot this summer and actually way too dangerous for the children to be playing outside; they could end up with a heat stroke. Unless of course we come up with a way to keep them cool and the first thing that crossed my mind was water.

They were all for that and we headed outside with a basket full of water-resistant toys to fill the little pool and turn on the sprinkler. As happy as can be being able to enjoy the outdoors and full of anticipation of splashing around, the kids filled the air with their enthusiasm.

Well, Omas like to have a little fun too, you know. I couldn't resist spraying the children with water while filling up the pool. The boys loved it and challenged me by running in and out of the 'target' range.

Emmaly on the other hand got a little aggravated when the cold water hit her unexpectedly. Annoyed, she looked at me and told me: "Don't mess up my hair"!

Even though I couldn't help but laugh, I could also appreciate that and I let her be after which she dedicated herself to watering the plants.

I made sure to keep my distance so to speak. Not that it mattered much.

Her hair was soaking wet after playing in the pool!


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