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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Something That's Mine

Date of occurrence:
June 29, 2013.

The grandchildren are usually covered up with gifts when they get here and this time was not any different. They had each gotten a bag full of small gifts from their mom and of course they showed them as soon as they had the chance.

It is always a treat watching Leo's face when he shows off all his goodies. It is like he is seeing them for the first time and you can almost feel his excitement.

Casey is a little calmer when showing all his presents, but you can clearly see the gleam in his eyes. Yes, although he is trying to be a big boy and hide it, his enthusiasm shows through anyway.

Emmaly was no exception and full of excitement and as proud as a peacock she had to show off every little thing she pulled out of her bag.

She had a small package which had Disney princesses on it and I was rather curious finding out what was in it. Upon my question what it was she replied it was hers. Yes, I know, but what is it? She answered: "Something that is mine"!

Upon closer examination I found out it contained wipes. I don't think she had a clue what the contents was, but she sure knew that whatever it was, it belonged to her!


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