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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Snack Time

Date of occurrence:
July 1, 2013.

When our grandchildren are staying over, I always ensure to make time for a snack. Those little critters are so active and burn up a lot of calories. It therefore doesn't come as a surprise they are getting hungry in between meals.

I try to give them something healthy and in moderation of course, because I don't want to spoil their next meal. There are plenty of snacks around that appeal to their taste buds and still their hunger for the moment.

The rule at our home is to eat and drink at the dinner table. That requires sitting down and I quickly discovered that these little breaks in between play and disputes gives them some time to calm down and regroup.

It seems to be the same in our daughter's household. Our little guy Levi goes ninety miles per hour from the moment he wakes up until it is time for bed.

That little engine inside of him needs to be refueled on a regular basis and what better time is there for doing that then snack-time?

That's right: none!:-)


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