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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Sisterly Conversation

Date of occurrence:
June 25, 2013.

It is quite obvious Bell truly enjoys having her siblings around and she loves it even more being able to interact with them. I came to that discovery while I was sitting on the couch and holding her.

Emmaly had joined us and Bell had been staring at her sister for the longest time. Every time Emmaly looked at Bell, the little critter would smile so big. I lifted her up to let her stand. She likes standing up and that also pretty much put her at eye-level with Emmaly.

That truly opened up the conversation. As soon as Emmaly looked at Bell, the latter started 'talking' her little head off. All kinds of noises came from that little mouth and it was obvious she was telling Emmaly all about it.

I encouraged Emmaly to respond and that led to even more excitement on Bell's part. The conversation became livelier as she threw her entire body into it. I am not so sure who had the most fun; the girls talking to each other, or me as a spectator.

It crossed my mind that observing this conversation may be one of those rare occasions. As they grow older, these sisterly talks will probably quickly turn into sororal squabbles!


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