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Friday, January 3, 2014

A Sticky Subject

Date of occurrence:
June 25, 2013.

It is early in the morning and all the kids are up and wide awake. Upon my question what they would like for breakfast, both Kc and Emmaly expressed the wish to have waffles. Okay, that is no problem and I vanish into the kitchen to prepare their meals.

While I am heating the waffles, Kc joins me. I take the opportunity to ask him what he would like on his waffles. He doesn't reply instantly, but frowns instead. I find that rather odd since he usually knows exactly what he likes to eat and how he likes to eat it.

I suspect he is not sure of the options, so I pose the question if he would like syrup on them. His reply kind of surprises me: "No, I can't have syrup on my waffles."
Me: "Why not?"
Kc: "Because I get all sticky."
Me: "Then what do you normally put on your waffles?"
Kc: "Just butter."

Ah, I get the picture. I can't blame his parents for not taking the risk of him getting sticky and full of stains right before he has to go to school. It is a good thing he has no school today and he is staying at our house.

Me: "Well, you can have butter when you are back at home, but you can have syrup here. We don't mind if you get sticky; we will simply clean you up".

He had to think about that for a minute and then admitted he would rather have syrup instead of butter. Syrup it is and I even let him pour it on his waffles.

Breakfast was made short notice of and no, he did not get sticky at all!


Blogger audrey` said...

Well done! Oma loves her grandchildren very much :)

How is the Arctic blast in your area? Please keep warm and safe, Lieve Zus. Take care.

4/1/14 7:11 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Yes, I love all of them very, very much!

It is cold here, but tonight and tomorrow it is forecast to be extremely cold for our area. We are toasty warm and I actually am hoping for some snow. That hardly ever happens in the south.

Thanks for your care and concern, lieve zus! We really appreciate it. :-)

God's Grace.

5/1/14 6:38 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

We had a high of only 27C yesterday. It's so cool and comfortable, Lieve Zus :) Usually the weather is hot and humid over here.

6/1/14 3:06 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

It is usually the same here as it is over there, although it does get cooler during winter.

Tonight they forecast around -12 C here which is really, really cold for our neck of the woods. The schools here are starting 2 hours later because of that and in the higher parts of our state they are off entirely due to the snow.

We are toasty warm inside as long as the power doesn't go out!

God's Grace.

6/1/14 4:44 PM  

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