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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sound Off

Date of occurrence:
July 2, 2013.

Opa has taught the grandchildren a new trick: he calls 'sound off' and they all come marching in, line up, salute and loud and clearly state their names. It is funny to watch and the kids have great fun doing it.

This little exercise helps when there are some arguments going on or when they are making a racket. It sure does turn the sound off for a short amount of time.

They all love being creative and since our old Birthday banner had fallen apart, I had saved the letters and figured out a way how they could reuse them.

Armed with crayons, stickers, glue, and a large piece of material, I told them to go ahead and make a masterpiece. They sure did and we showcased their creation on the wall.

Kc loves admiring my creativity by going through the scrapbooks I maintain for each of our grandchildren. I told him he could have his books when he got older and had his own house.

He looked at me and asked: "Guess where I am going to live when I am big"?
Jokingly I replied: "Here".
He grinned really big and answered: "Yes, I am going to live here with y'all when I am big".

Leo, who had overheard the conversation, concurred with his older brother and stated he would come and live here too and get his books. I smiled and told them we would love that very much.

Bring it on, boys. Just keep in mind; sound off every now and then! Grin.


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