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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

Date of occurrence:
July 9, 2013.

The kids had great fun coloring and writing yesterday and produced some really nice drawings and letters.

Even though it is still quite some time away, Kc had already written down all the names of those he wanted to invite for his birthday party on the back of his drawing.

Since he does not yet know how to write all the names, he asks me several times how they were spelled. After I told him, he would go back to the table and write it down.

That must have intrigued Emmaly and she starts writing too. She came over to me and showed me all her scribbling, but I was impressed; it was all lined up nice and neat and I could even make out several letters.

I gave her credit and told her what a great job she had done, but she wasn't done yet. Not being able to pronounce those words beginning with the letter S correctly, she inquires: "How do you pell...., how do you pell 'Opa'? It sounded so funny and we busted out laughing.

She had us in stitches today as well. Her brothers had gone to VBS and since she is still too young to go, Emmaly stayed home with us. She was standing in front of the window watching our yardman cutting the grass, when she suddenly shared the following conclusion with us: "That man is doing a great job".

Yes, she too gives credit where credit is due!


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