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Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Sticker Project

Date of occurrence:
July 2, 2013.

The children each had gotten a sheet full of stickers, which they intended to us later on for some arty projects. That didn't quite work out as planned, due to little Miss Emmaly throwing a wrench in the works.

She was supposedly playing with her doll house, when all of a sudden she called out to me; "Oma! Can you help me"?

I dropped what I was doing, went to answer the call for help and found our little princess sitting on the floor covered in stickers. She had tried to pick them off, but they got stuck to her hands and she was getting a little frustrated.

Me: "Emmaly, what did you do"?
Emmaly: "I put stickers on myself".

Yeah, that was quite obvious and I sat down with her and assisted her with peeling them off. While doing so I noticed the stickers were all cars.

Me: "Uh oh. These are Kc's stickers. Where are yours"?
Emmaly: "I couldn't find them".
Me: "Did you ask Kc if you could use his"?
Emmaly: "No".
Me: "So you just took them and used them"?
Emmaly: "Yeah".
Me: "Why did you do that"?
Emmaly: "I wanted to make myself look pretty"!
I told her she didn't need stickers; she was already pretty without them.

Unfortunately, she used up all her brother's stickers without his consent and simply took what didn't belong to her. It wasn't the first time she did that. After finding her own stickers she had to give them to Kc to make up for using all of his.

At least we got to admire one arty, sticker project! Grin.


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