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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Trouble In Paradise

Date of occurrence:
July 8, 2013.

It is not always well and peachy during the time our grandchildren are staying over. It wouldn't be good if it was, because they would never be able to distinguish right from wrong if they never made mistakes.

Yes, mistakes are made and sometimes it is a hard lesson to learn, especially when the same mistakes are being made over and over and over again.

Our granddaughter Emmaly has developed the habit of taking her brothers' toys without asking. That in itself would not be too bad, were it not for the fact that more often than not she destroys them.

After having been told and warned a gazillion times, she either still didn't get the picture or totally ignored what she was being told. The time for more drastic measures had arrived and we didn't have to wait long before she fell into repetition. Okay little missy, you better go in time out.

She did not like that at all and sobbed her little heart out. It must have helped though. After being pardoned and back at playing, she took one of Kc's toys, went over to him and told him the following: "I know this is your toy, but I need it".

Although it wasn't exactly asking for his permission, it sure was a major step in the right direction!


Blogger Pia said...

Hi Mamu. Thank you for praying for my family. My heart is broken but I know God's guidance is with me. Mom is now in Heaven with Dad and Jesus.

16/2/14 6:06 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

We are so sorry for your loss and will keep praying for you.
Talk to you soon.

God's Grace.

16/2/14 6:47 AM  

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