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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Not One Dull Moment

Date of occurrence:
July 6, 2013.

While all the older children are still enjoying their summer vacation, Levi had to go back to daycare yesterday.

Not that he minds. He loves the interaction with his fellow 'class mates' and, more importantly, he loves to play with them.

As he started his new school year so to speak, we were pleasantly surprised to learn the photographer came by and took each child's picture.

I can't help but wonder what it took to keep our little guy from moving around, because sitting still for a while is not one of Levi's strongest points.

Whatever they did, it worked. And here is our little guy; almost 1 and a half years old, all dressed up and as cute as a button.

Having to go back to daycare doesn't mean it is all work and no play.

Since our daughter has a few days off each week, there is plenty of time for fun and the summer heat lends itself well for splashing around in the kiddy pool.

Who can resist that? Not Levi, and he makes good use of the time and toys to fill a hot summer day with tons of excitement and entertainment.

Nope, there is never a dull moment with Levi around! :-)


Blogger audrey` said...

A Very Happy Birthday to Lil Casey on 08 February 2014, Lieve Zus :)

9/2/14 3:27 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Thank you, lieve zus! :-D

He turned 7 already and he told me the other day that I couldn't call him 'my little man' anymore.
He wanted to be called 'my big man', hahaha.
I said to him even if he grew 10 feet tall, he is and would always be my little man! He just grinned.

God's Grace.

10/2/14 6:17 AM  

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