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Friday, March 28, 2014

A Colorful Meeting

Date of occurrence:
July 20, 2013.

Our oldest grandson loves to go places and as soon as he heard his aunt was going to the store, he asked if he could accompany her. She sure had no problems with that and off they went.

While on the way to the store, aunt A. told her nephew she had a meeting at church that morning. Although he has no notion yet as to what a meeting is, Kc sure wanted to know all about it.

Since the grandchildren have been going to Sunday school, they do know a few people there and aunt A. told him the meeting also included his Sunday school teacher. That sounded familiar to him.

I am pretty sure he didn't quite get the picture as to what a meeting was. I base that on the question he asked his aunt immediately after he learned his teacher had been present as well.

"Did you get to color"?


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