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Friday, March 7, 2014

No Need For Nitpicking

Our oldest grandson is coming back soon to live with us. It means having to make many arrangements and enrolling the 7 year old in school and ensuring he has all the outfits and materials he needs is one of them.

Even though we are looking forward to it, there are some negative aspects to it. Attending school means we will be confronted with more illnesses and other inconveniences such as head lice. We had to deal with that once before when he was younger and getting rid of those bugs was a painstaking process.

It will not be in the future, because ClearLice™ would take care of the problem in no time. That saves us a lot of time, effort, and grief, without having to worry about any side-effects of chemicals since this remedy is based on all natural ingredients.

They have some great and easy solutions for elimination and prevention of head lice for both family and home as well. We will definitely keep this in mind, especially knowing how 6 to 12 million people in the nation need treatment for head lice on a yearly basis.

That is also an indicator that everyone can end up with head lice. Those pesky critters don't care whose head they infest, as long as they have one to feast on. They better stay away from my family.

I will be no nitpicker. With this treatment I will clear those lice off so fast; they don't know what hit them!


Blogger audrey` said...

This is an important change in your oldest grandson's life. Our Lord will lead the way. Take care, Lieve Zus :)

7/3/14 7:26 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

It is for everybody, but God knows what is best and we trust Him!
We are excited though and looking forward to it! :-)

God's Grace.

8/3/14 6:08 AM  

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