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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Little Houdini

Date of occurrence:
July 18, 2013.

Levi is almost one and a half years old, but he has already decided he will not spend the rest of his life behind bars. Not even when those bars are part of his crib and are only there to prevent him from falling out of bed and to furnish his parents with the peace of mind that he is safe and sound.

Our little guy probably felt rather limited in his space and made up his mind to broaden his horizon. Since his crib was a means to keep him from going where he wanted and prevented him from getting into any mischief, he made up his mind to correct that situation.

He figured that last night was as good as any to do something about his confinement and he broke out of what he perceived to be his small prison. How he managed to get those spindles out of the crib is beyond me, but he did. He apparently has some super powers we were not aware of.

Both his parents were baffled when they entered his room this morning and found Levi's sleeping quarters in such disarray. Dad has to come up with an adequate solution to fix it before the day is over. That is not an easy task.

Especially not with a little Houdini in the house!


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