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Saturday, March 8, 2014

On A Roll

Date of occurrence:
July 11, 2013.

Someone once told me to enjoy the little ones while they are still babies as much as I could, because that time would be gone way too fast. She was right and we try to spend as much time with little Bell as we can.

It is becoming more and more obvious how time flies. Today, our youngest granddaughter is already half a year old and a doctor's visit in on schedule.

It is just a routine check-up to see how and if she is developing according to their statistics.

The visit went well, but there were some issues. Our little beanie baby is not rolling over yet, which was a point of concern. She also was a little on the heavy side.

We are neither surprised nor concerned about either one of those issues. One look at those cute, little chubby thighs tells everyone she is well fed and although she tries, it inhibits her from rolling over.

If she wasn't rolling over within a few weeks, they would have to come back and she would need special treatment. Personally, I don't think it will be necessary. The fact that she is trying to roll over says enough.

She will be on a roll in no time!


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