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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Princess Wooky Wonderfoot

Date of occurrence:
July 15, 2013.

Our oldest granddaughter loves anything and everything that has got to do with princesses. She truly enjoys dressing up like a princess and pretending she is one. Yup, that includes being treated like one. Grin.

We could easily have called her princess Emmaly, but she ensured her name was going to be; Princess Wooky Wonderfoot.

The 'Wooky' comes from the verb look. She can't pronounce the letter L at the beginning of a word. Her brother Leo is called Weo and she tells us constantly to 'wook' at something.

Wonderfoot comes from an occurrence when she was sitting behind Opa's chair and suddenly demanded that we had to look, because something was wrong with her foot. In her own words: "Wook. Sometin is wong with dis foot".

She said it so fast though that it almost sounded like wonderfoot. Opa couldn't resist the opportunity to tease her a bit by calling her Wooky Wonderfoot. It stuck and we are now graced by the presence of Princess Wooky Wonderfoot.

She was not very happy with that name at first and assured us that her mom calls her Emmaly. We eventually came up with a solution which was to the satisfaction of every one. Even our little Princess gave her consent.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you Princess Emmaly Wooky Wonderfoot!


Blogger audrey` said...

Awww... So cute, Lieve Zus :)

19/3/14 12:10 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

Thank you, lieve zus. I will pass it on. She will be thrilled to hear that. Grin.

God's Grace.

19/3/14 4:46 AM  

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